Why is Encryption Important? – Protecting Personal Data

Entrepreneurs know that their data is constantly threatened by hackers, ransomware, and other cyber threats. Attackers always look for vulnerable, sensitive data, such as employee and customer data, intellectual property, and internal company information. Data is a valuable company asset, but it’s also highly vulnerable and therefore requires multiple layers of protection, and encryption is one of the must-have data security measures today.

What is encryption?

Data encryption is the process of encoding the contents of a document into an unreadable format using mathematical algorithms. Encryption works so that when an unauthorized user opens a document to retrieve important information, he will be unable to interpret what it says. There is only one way to decrypt a document: with a key, that is, a secret code that decodes the content into a readable format.

The encryption process occurs between two parties – the sender and the receiver. When transmitting data over the internet, data can be more vulnerable than ever if adequate security measures are not used. Encryption allows both parties to share a decryption key: after the sender generates it, he sends it to the receiver to further decode the content.

Why is file encryption so important?

No user can allow their sensitive data to be stored in the vastness of the Internet “naked” because if that happens, it won’t take long for the data to leak. Malware and cybercriminals are only waiting for one thing – for a security hole to appear through which they can spread. That’s why implementing various encryption methods is so necessary for organizations. Below we have listed several types of encryption and their features:

  • File encryption

File encryption provides encryption of documents, both at rest and during transmission. It perfectly protects data from unauthorized tampering and allows you to keep even the most sensitive personal information, such as credit card numbers, personal addresses, social security, and so on, in an online format. Frequent fears about intercepting data while transferring it to another device will no longer be relevant because even if intruders manage to do so, they won’t be able to learn anything of value thanks to the encryption.

  • End-to-end Encryption

This type of encryption ensures that only the sender and the final recipient will have access to the files and no one else. End-to-end encryption uses two keys, one belonging to the sender and the recipient. Once the data has been sent, you must destroy the key, which prevents unauthorized users from reading the document. This type of encryption makes it much harder for hackers to steal data, and you will always be in control of the situation.

Virtual Data Room as the best method to protect sensitive data

A virtual data room provides organizations with all the security measures they need to store and share files at any level of confidentiality without any problems. These solutions comply with current international security standards and offer only cutting-edge security technology. Data encryption is a must-have feature of VDRs; the software mainly uses 256-bit and end-to-end encryption. In addition, platforms offer encrypted chat rooms, where you can discuss sensitive issues and send sensitive data in absolute isolation from external threats. Explore the best representatives of virtual data rooms at https://secure-dataroom.org.uk/. Choose only the best deals and quality measures to protect your company. The features of VDRs don’t end with encryption alone because when combined with other technologies such as:

  • Watermarks
  • Double Authentication
  • Granted permissions
  • Audit logs
  • Remote destruction
  • Constant Backup etc.

VDR provides bank-grade, layered security that minimizes hacking and leakage threats to virtually zero.
